Wednesday, November 5, 2008

"...that while we breathe, we hope..."

last night i experienced what i think might be the single most defining and monumental social and political event in recent history, most certainly that of my young life. the election of barack obama to the presidency of the united states marks a beautiful point in our nation's short, but turbulent history. it is time. time for us, as a nation, to catch up with the rest of the civilized world and see past race, sex, wealth, sexual orientation, disability, and politics, and to embrace one another as friends and as equals. we did that yesterday. as a whole- as a single, free, hopeful nation, we came together. it was beautiful.

today, it's more beautiful. tomorrow, more beautiful than today.

there is clarity and anticipation and desire within me. i feel it radiating from my core and it's burst out from my heart and stomach and that place that hurts when you're in love- that magical place that's neither organ nor thought. this feels better than love and here's why:

for the first time i see absolute joy in the faces of my friends. unbridled, self-less, wholesome, consuming, completely innocent and pure, joy. it's so unselfish. i cannot describe what happened last night, but i know something changed in the fabric of our lives. i'm happy for everyone, even people who are saddened today, because we, the people, were the catalyst for change and barack obama- a single, solitary man- moved and guided us towards that.

i wore a sticker yesterday that said, "my vote counted!"- i truely feel that it did. knowing that i've been apart of this will surely stay with me forever. as i sat last night in the theater at real art ways, surrounded by old friends and new ones, i listened to words of hope from the man that led us to make history. i cried tears of honesty, dedication, and months of finger-crossing. we're making a difference in this world and it feels so good.

what a great day to be an american. what a great life we're all sharing. cheers to obama and here's to our future.

liberty leading the people, delacroix